Sunday, January 27, 2013

26 Acts of Kindness
Sing, sing a song

These are currant buns, and they're made of felt to be placed on the flannel board when you are singing the song Five Currant Buns.  They provide a visual for the children as you sing together.  I discovered the Currant Buns and their song on  Loon and Quines at Library Time .  Please link to the blog to sing the song!  You will note that I changed the cherry on top to a heart and took the liberty of writing that into the song.  (sing to the tune of Five Little Ducks Went Out to Play)

Five currant buns in the bakery shop
Big and round with a heart on top
Along came a boy with a penny one day (or on Valentine's Day)
Bought a currant bun and took it away!

Four currant buns ....
Three currant buns....

A dear friend and former colleague of mine has taken a new library position in another town.   We "do lunch" regularly and she was feeling a bit glum about not having a fancy new Valentine flannel story...hmmm.  I just made myself a set of these currant buns and I knew I could make another readily - so, I did!  

It's heart warming to know that she will sing the song with many children over the years.  

As I packaged things up I just knew something was missing...

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...

Act # 13
In honor of Ana Marquez-Green
Student, Music Lover
Sandy Hook Elementary School

I will drop these off on Monday, weather permitting.  If you would like to follow 26 Acts of Kindness of facebook, please click here.

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